Happy 101 Blog Award

 Amy over at Crazy Craft Bugs awarded me the Happy 101 Blog award. Thanks so much Amy. It made my day :)
Rules for the award:

1. Post who it was that gave you the award.

2. List 10 things that you like.

3. Give this award to 10 other blogs and let them know with a comment.
10 Things I Like in no Particular Order
  1. My family
  2. Living closer to extended family
  3. The beautiful fall weather
  4. Crafting, ccooking etc..
  5. Shopping
  6. Going for a walk on a nice day
  7. Spending time with those I love
  8. Watching HGTV and TLC
  9. Reading
  10. Playing with my son
10 Blogs I've been Inspired by
  1. Under the Table Dreaming by Stephanie
  2. Stories of a House by Christa
  3. Sassy Sanctuary by Krystal
  4. A Soft Place to Land by Kimba
  5. DIY Showoff by Roeshel
  6. Madigan Made by Madigan
  7. The Boy Trifecta by Emily
  8. Made it on Monday by Jill
  9. Me Making Do by Heather
  10. Miz Helen's Country Kitchen by Miz Helen


  1. You are too sweet! Thanks for thinking of me and my little blog, you made my day!

  2. Katie - you are so sweet! Thank you! I haven't received an award in a long time so you just made me feel so special! :) I'm very behind and backed up when it comes to blogging but I will try to pass it along. Thanks again for thinking of me. I love your blog too. :)



I would love to hear any comments or suggestions you have. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment and please leave your blog link so I can come check it out :)