Faux Pumpkin Facelift Tutorial

We  all have some fake pumpkins sitting around just looking so shiny and oh so very fake. Blah. Who wants a pumpkin like that sitting on their porch? So I gave mine a simple (less than) 5 minute facelift and it looks so much better now! Here it is post facelift.

And Before: Eek! Shiny plastic screaming out: Fake!

All You have to do is get some brown acrylic paint, and squirt out a tiny bit on the pumpkin (start with less as you can always add more as you go) Get a wet paper towel and rub the paint all around your pumpkin and just keep rubbing up and down going the whole way around your pumpkin until you get the desired effect.


  1. what a great idea! I can't believe how real it looks and so easy :)
    Jennifer (greendoordesigns.blogspot.com)

  2. That does make it look a lot more real! Nice discovery!

  3. I loved this faux pumpkin transformation so much I'm featuring it on my site today. Hope you don't mind.

  4. Big difference!! Looks good!

  5. Hi Katie. How simple and oh' what a difference. Thanks for sharing that tip. Who would've thought brown paint.

    Have a great fall weekend.
    Hugs...Tracy :)


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