From Coat Hangers to Cute Halloween Decoration

What all started as simple coat hangers turned into this super cute boo! I can't take the credit for this idea, as my sister-in-law came up with it, but I would love to show you how very easy it is to make one of these!

Stuff you're going to need:
  • coat hangers
  • old tee shirts or towels (this part will not show)
  • ribbon or fabric
  • glue (preferably a glue gun)
  • some heavy duty tape
  • wire cutters or something to cut the hangers
First get your hangers and take them apart. I used 2 to make my "Boo."

Next, bend your hanger into the "B" shape (and you'll do the other letters too) and when you get it the shape you want, then tape it in place.

Once you're done making your letters then cut your towel (or shirt) into strips and just wrap it around the hanger gluing (is that a word???) as you go. You'll come up with something like this:

Once you've got all your letters wrapped up you're ready to tape them together and put on the ribbon. Just glue the ribbon, wind it and glue ever so often.  It really helps to snack on a super yummy snack while you do it, and I'm going to share the perfect recipe in the next few days.
And there you have it, your awesome new Boo decoration. Thank you so much to my sis-in-law for finding this awesome idea and letting me share it with you all :) My head is just swimming with all the other things you could do with this idea. So I wouldn't be too surprised if you see some other spin offs of this in the future.


  1. That is SO fun! I am going to feature it on my blog tomorrow!!

  2. What a great idea! It's really cute!

  3. hmm... I wonder if we can spell out JOY for Christmas? I might just have to work on my wire bending techniques!!

  4. You've been featured today! Thanks so much for joining the Sunday Showcase Party- I greatly appreciate it. Stop by and grab a featured button if you like. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. - Stephanie Lynn

  5. Awesome idea. This would be so fun for other holidays, too!

  6. How cute! I love how easy it is and how great it turned out!

  7. Very cute! Yes, you could do a lot with this technique!
    You should come link this up at my Making It With Allie Party!

  8. That all good things to do with Hangers direct, the idea is to have a little creativity and ingenuity to get good results


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