Most Scrumptious Cake Balls Ever - Tempting Tuesday

I am so excited to share these. I don't usually refer to food as being cute or adorable, but these cake balls I made speak for themselves. Here are a few of them.

And, here they all are in all their glory.

And, I even picked a favorite one and I just have to show him off. He just makes me smile.

I originally got the idea for these from Family Circle Magazine. Cake balls are supposed to be a big trend right now, but trendy or not I can tell you that these are super duper yummy. They are like a cross between cake , candy, and the most delicious donut hole ever. 

If you want to make them, all you need is:
  • a cake mix (and the stuff you add to that)
  • a container of frosting (1 cup to be exact)
  • Wilton candy melts (or any generic brand- they are candy that you can melt and then it gets hard when it cools)
  • icing or sprinkles to decorate your cake balls
  • i also used wax paper to lay them out on after dipping
Start by baking your cake and letting it cool. Once its all cool, you crumble it in little pieces, add a cup of the frosting and mix it all together really well. I used my hands to do that part. Then, roll the cake mix into little balls. I made mine about the size of a golf ball, but I think a little smaller might be better. After you have them all rolled, stick them in the freezer till they get hardened.

Once they are hard, melt the candies according to the package instructions. I microwaved at 30 second intervals at 50% power. You can add a little oil to make it smoother and you can add food coloring to make them look the color you want. Then dip the balls and let them harden to pipe on decorations or you could go ahead and put sprinkles on them and call it a day. Either way, they will be cute and deeeelicious. I made these when family came to visit, and they were definitely a hit for everyone, ages 6 to 60 :)

Please, link up your recipes that you would like to share below and feel free to link back to me if you would like.

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  1. Found you through Welcome Wednesday and am now following :)

  2. Those look delicious! Thanks for sharing! I awarded you the Happy 101 Blog award! Come check it out!

  3. Cute idea and they look deliscious

  4. These are precious little creatures. Thank you for sharing this recipe.
    Miz Helen

  5. kids will surely love this! very inviting, yummy! happy weekend! :)


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