Halloween Mummy Tutorial Using Stuff Around the House

I keep seeing mummies all around blog land and I thought I'd try my hand at making a little mummy candy holder. I really like decorations that are more cute and nice instead of nasty or whatever. 
 This one is made from a water bottle, an old white undershirt and some googley eyes. Its pretty cute to set out with your pumpkins or whatever on the counter filled up with some candy and it definitely doesn't look like its made from stuff you just had laying around the house :) And, I could totally picture making this using a big old coffee container so it would be like a huge mummy bowl.

First, cut the top off of your bottle using a box cutter or knife.
Now get that old tee shirt and cut the bottom off. Then cut around the shirt making one long strip. My strip was about 85 inches long and about an inch wide and I hardly used any of the shirt at all. I used pinking sheers because I thought it would add more interest. Now eat a few handfuls of candy corn.

Start at the bottom and put dabs of glue and just work your way up the container. I used hot glue gun because I want instant gratification but you could easily use regular glue. Decide where you want your eyes to go before you get too far up the bottle.

Cut a little bit of the fabric and glue a strip where the eyes will go and then glue on the eyes. Now just work your way around the rest of the bottle.

Get some candy corn or whatever candy and fill up the container. Eat some more for good measure.  Now you can sit back and admire your freebie creation, or go on a house cleaning spree from your candy corn sugar high :) Enjoy your weekend everyone! Its finally starting to feel like fall!

Linking to:
Under the Table and Dreaming


  1. I thought this was such a cute idea that I picked my Grand Daughter up from her dance lesson and she is now making the Mummy to take home with her! Of course , we had to go to the store and buy some Candy Corn which is one of our favorite fall candies!

  2. Oh my word that is adorable!!!

    Welcome to triple digit followers!!

    I'm your newest follower from a blog hop. Come stop by Punky Monkeys, maybe you will want to follow back?!??!

    Have a great day!

  3. what a simple, but fantastic quick craft! I am going to stash this for a Halloween inspiration post!

    hugs! Kim @ Frost Me!
    party inspiration

  4. Cute! Such a kid-friendly craft. And I love the idea of re-purposing an empty water bottle!

  5. Very cute and simple. I think I have all those things on hand. Great craft!

  6. I'm not a big Halloween decor fan, but that is absolutely adorable!

    Love it!

  7. Hi, I'm a new follower from the Sunday linkup, and I love this idea! I am going to make one of my own! I'm doing a Halloween event on my blog (http://cheapskate4life.blogspot.com) and wondering if I could feature your craft idea and link the post back to you? It would give you all the credit and direct readers to your blog, I just think this idea is so cute & would love to share it with my readers!

    Email me if interested - cheapskate4life at hotmail.com

  8. So so so cute! I was just trying to come up with some cute stuff without spending anything. Thanks for the great idea!

  9. This is adorable!


  10. Katie - This is adorbale! I love that it is so easy to put together and made from recycled materials! So cute! I'll be featuring this tomorrow - Stop by and grab a featured button if you like. Thanks for linking to The Sunday Showcase - I greatly appreciate it! Hope you have a fabulous week! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  11. Just found your blog and am now following. LOVE this mummy container- I have got to make it!

  12. This is so darn cute! What a great idea and how fun to eat the candy corn in the process :) Just saw this at Under the table and dreaming. Too cute.

  13. Such a cute and fun idea!

  14. This is so adorable! I'd love for you to link it to my Halloween party happening this weekend. It would be a wonderful addition!




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