Q-tip Skeleton Craft for Kids

My five year old likes to do crafts, and for some reason, he is really fascinated with skeletons. So, when I ran across the creative q-tip skeletons at Stuff by Ash I knew that he would be excited to make one. And he was. He was so happy with how it turned out that he couldn't wait for it to dry so he could chase me around the house with it. The joys of having  kids :)
Here's his version of the q-tip skeleton. Head on over to check out the tutorial on Stuff by Ash.


  1. So cute! You both did a great job! Thanks for sending me a link back so I could see.

  2. Hi Katie...Just found you and love this idea for my Grands...
    always on the look out for fun projects!
    Have a great weekend!
    Stop over when you have time!
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...


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