Pottery Barn Colors + 2x4 Scrap Wood = Cute Gourd and Pumpkin Trio

The other day I was looking on Pottery Barn's website and saw these. So pretty, and with such beautiful colors. I'm not looking to fork over $75, but I would like to have those pretty colors and I've also been wanting to make some 2x4 pumpkins ever since I first saw some on Sassy Sanctuary and so I came up with these. So , without further ado, Pottery Barn color inspiration, meet 2x4 scrap wood pumpkins.

Here's my favorite. The little "cinderella."

And, the whole gang:

I think they turned out pretty well considering they're made from scrap wood!


  1. These are really cute and I love the white pumpkins this year. I think because it's different. The wood projects seem to be pretty popular! Great work :)

  2. Thanks, Abby. I guess I couldn't resist jumping on the wooden pumpkin bandwagon :)

  3. Thanks for the blog visit- I like your pumpkins a lot! My fave is the white one, too!

    Valerie@Occasionally Crafty


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